School of Theater February 2020 Newsletter

Special Events Update

Events for February and March are listed below.  Please note that dates and/or times may have changed from older announcements.


Master Class with Deborah Brevoort, Playwright of Women of Lockerbie

Friday, February 27, 1:30-4:00 PM, MTB 2013

Scholarship Night at Women of Lockerbie

Friday, February 28, 8:00 PM, TheaterSpace. Features a post-show Q&A with Deborah Brevoort and the cast.



First Annual Women’s History Month Showcase

Thursday, March 5, 8:00—9:00 PM, TheaterSpace. Student-initiated scholarship fundraiser for Friends of Theater. Enjoy excerpts of plays by leading female playwrights!

First Reading for The Last Days of Judas Iscariot

Monday, March 16, 6-8 PM, MTB* Room 2013

First Reading for Servant of Two Masters

Monday, March 16, 6-8 PM, MTB* Room 2013

Chili Chowdown for Men on Boats

Saturday, March 21, 1-3:00 PM, Black Box. Cook your favorite chili and have lunch with the cast and crew on tech day.

Men on Boats Play Reading with Friends

Sunday, March 22, 2-5:00 PM, Member’s Home. Gather for a guided reading and discussion of excerpts of the play.  Bring a snack to share.

Scholarship Night at Men on Boats

Friday, March 27, 8:00 PM, TheaterSpace.

Master Class with Susan Egan (Belle from Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast)

Monday, March 30, 2:00-4:30 PM, TheaterSpace

Special Professional-Artist-Residencies

Your membership in the Friends of Theater opens the door to several unique opportunities in the next few weeks. Mark your calendars so that you don’t miss these very special events!

Observe Deborah Brevoort lead a master class on playwriting on Friday February 27th from 1:30-4:00 PM in the Music and Theater Building (MTB) room 2013. Deborah is the playwright for Women of Lockerbie which will be performed in TheaterSpace February 27-29. Deborah will also join the cast for a post-show Q&A following the Friday night performance.

Join students in a master class with Susan Egan on Monday March 30th from 2:00-4:30 PM in TheaterSpace. Susan is best known for originating the role of Belle in Broadway’s musical adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.

Meet and be entertained by Lisa Vroman at a very exclusive fundraiser for George Mason’s musical theater program. Invitations for this event have already been sent and if you have not RSVP’d, do it now! Only 60 lucky guests will share this intimate evening with Lisa. You can RSVP at

Observe Lisa Vroman lead a master class on Thursday April 2nd from 4:30-7:00 PM in MTB 2013. Observe an open rehearsal with Lisa Vroman and the American Festival Pops orchestra on Friday April 3rd from 3:00-5:00 PM in the Center for the Arts.

Chefs Wanted for Chili Chowdown

Do you have a special chili recipe? Why not make a pot and share it with the cast and crew of Men on Boats at this semester’s chili chowdown on March 21st from about 1:00-3:00 PM? Even if you’re not a chef, we can still use your help with cookies or brownies or chips.

The students look forward to this once-a-semester event and everyone who has participated in the past has chosen to do it more than once. Please email FOTM Events Coordinator Mack Miller at  to volunteer and join us for lunch with the cast and crew—we guarantee a great time!

1,001 Plays at Mason

Friday, March 6 in Theaterspace, starting at 6 p.m. / Donald and Nancy de Laski Performing Arts Building, PAB A105, George Mason University

Please join 1,001 Plays and Mason’s School of Theater in welcoming our global new partner Santa Catarina Federal University in Florianópolis, Brazil! The evening kicks off with hors d’oeuvres and conversation at a Mission Reception at 6 p.m. Find out what 1,001 Plays is all about!

Seven student-written 10-minute play readings follow at 7 p.m., all addressing the theme “Tomorrow” and staged by Mason students. Next, meet our Brazilian partners—student playwrights and their mentor who will join us for a video talk-back afterwards. The event is free and open to the public!

For the reception, RSVP to by February 28.